Entering Deposits

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Entering Deposits

The Actions Enter Deposits menu option or Enter Deposits quick link on the main window is used for recording deposits that you make to a bank account. You can alternatively enter deposits directly on the more general-purpose register window.


When you use the Actions Enter Deposits menu option, a window such as the following comes up:




The first time you use this, the Bank Account field may be empty, and you can select the bank account you are depositing to, from the drop-down list. You can also just start typing the name of the desired account, and it will appear via autocomplete. Subsequent times you use this, it will show the account you used the previous time, but of course you can change it if necessary.


The Description field will show a list of all of the previous Descriptions of deposit transactions within the last year or so in your selected Bank Account. You can use the drop-down list, or just start typing and matches will come up.


The Memo is optional, for recording additional information about the transaction. See below also for details on how this Memo may get copied to the Memos on the splits lines for the other accounts involved in this transaction.


The Ref # is optional - most users won't have reference numbers for their deposits.


The Date is the date of the deposit. It is initialized to today's date, or the last-used transaction date.


The Amount is the total amount of the deposit. As soon as you enter this Amount, it is immediately copied into the Amount field in the first line of the splits section at the bottom (as long as that field is still empty).


You may not enter negative amounts, since a deposit cannot be a negative amount. If that's what you feel you need, for instance to enter an reversing entry, enter it on another window such as the Register.


As on the register windows, you can select a pre-defined Sales Tax Code from the Tax Code drop-down list. The codes are specified via the Maintenance ⇒ Sales Tax Codes window. Selecting a Tax Code causes an automatic split of the transaction associated with the deposits, to include the associated sales tax accounts. (It is probably fairly unusual that taxes would need to be recorded for deposits.)


Entering the Splits


Once you have entered the header deposit information at the top, you need to fill in the other accounts for the transaction (called "counter accounts" or "splits") in the bottom section.


If you selected a Tax Code, there will already be one or more lines of splits shown for the tax account(s), and a line with no Account, but with the Amount being the remaining amount after taking off the tax. In that case, you will just have to select an income account for that remaining amount. (It is possible to use other types of account, but it will generally be an income account.)


In the case where you didn't select a Tax Code, you just have to select one or more Accounts and Amounts for the income. In either of these cases, you can split the deposit between multiple income accounts if appropriate.


The Account field normally drops its list down automatically, as soon as you Tab or click into it, though this can be changed with an option on the Maintenance Main Options window. (If that option is turned off, you can drop down the list by clicking on it with your mouse, or pressing the keyboard combination Alt+DownArrow.)


The accounts on the list are initially displayed in chart of accounts order, but if you type a letter, it immediately goes to the first account that starts with that letter, and also re-sorts the list in alphabetical order, to make it easier to see and select other accounts that start with that letter. If you press Backspace after that, or Tab out of the field, the list is returned to chart of accounts order.


When the Account list drops down in a field that currently has no value it, the list is automatically scrolled for you to the first Income/Revenue account, since those are the accounts you are most likely to pick for the splits on a deposit.


The Account field uses autocomplete to make selecting existing account names easy.


The Amount fields in the bottom half (which are totalled in the Total field below the grid) must add up to the Amount of the deposit in the header.


If you enter an Account, and then change the Amount on the first line (or any subsequent line), and then Tab or click out of that Amount field, the remaining part of the overall deposit amount will be filled into the Amount field on the last row with no Account selected, so that you may only have to enter the Account for that row, and you will be done.


The optional Memo field for the splits lines can be used for a further description of that individual split line. The Memo you entered for the overall transaction in the top part of this window will always be stored with the implicit split line for the Bank Account of this transaction. It will also be stored with each split line for the transaction that you do not enter a distinct memo for, when you save the transaction.


When you are satisfied, click either Save and New, or Save and Close. They both save the deposit, but Save and New additionally clears this window so you can enter another deposit, while Save and Close closes the window after saving. Of course, you can also use Cancel if you wish to cancel your changes.


If you need to make a change to a deposit you have entered using this window, you can do so on the bank account's register window. When you view deposits entered with this window on the register window, they will show a Type (transaction type) value of "DEP".


Resizing this Window


For the unusual case where you have more than 8 split lines in a deposit (the number shown by default), you can click and drag the top or bottom border of the window to resize it vertically, to allow more split lines to show. Split lines will be automatically added to fill the space, if necessary.


However, you don't have to resize the window to get additional split lines - a new one will always be created if you do any edits in the existing last split line.


You can also resize the window horizontally, by clicking and dragging on either the left or right side. The memo field will expand when you do that, to fill the space.


Deleting Split Rows


On occasion you may find that you have entered a split row that you don't want to be there, and don't have any other split row you can overwrite it with. To get rid of it, just clear the Account value (by selecting the blank value at the top of the drop-down list of Accounts) and also clear every other value on that row. You can also do this clearing of a line by right-clicking on it and picking Delete Row from the popup menu. When you save the window, that row that is now entirely empty will disappear.


After deleting a row, a last row's Amount field will also be adjusted to make sure the total is still correct.


This topic was last edited on May 31, 2022