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The Reports Fund Sub-Menu

Income StatementLists your income/revenue and expenses, split out by fund, for a selected range of dates. Also, for each fund, includes a section at the bottom showing the starting balance of the fund for the period, the net income for the period, total transfers into or out of the fund for the period, and the ending balance for the fund. It also prompts for an "Include" setting to determine the levels of accounts and sub-accounts to be included in the report. You can drill-down on total fields for accounts that don't have sub-accounts to see a detail report of the transactions that make up that total.

One Fund Income

  StatementGives totals by account of the income/revenue and expenses for a specified fund and any funds underneath it (sub-funds), including hidden ones. It includes a summary section at the bottom which by default shows the starting balance of each bottom-level fund for the period, its net income for the period, the total transfers into and out of the fund for the period, and the ending balance for the fund, plus another section like that summarizing all of the included funds. You can specify a range of dates for the report, the desired fund (which may be a parent fund with sub-funds), an “include” setting to determine the levels of accounts and sub-accounts in the income and expense details of the report, and options about which summaries to include below the report – overall only, individual bottom-level funds only, or both overall and individual summaries.


Income Statement

  by MonthsLists your income/revenue and expenses, split out by fund, for two or more complete months, with one column per month, plus a totals column, for a selected range of dates. Also, for each fund, includes a section at the bottom of the final page for that fund, showing the starting balance of the fund for the entire period, the net income for the period, total transfers into or out of the fund for the period, and the ending balance for the fund. This report may be printed in either portrait or landscape mode, depending on how many months are included. It also prompts for an "Include" setting to determine the levels of accounts and sub-accounts to be included in the report.

Income Statement

  by QuartersLists your income/revenue and expenses, split out by fund, for two or more complete fiscal quarters, with one column per quarter, plus a totals column, for a selected range of dates. Also, for each fund, includes a section at the bottom of the final page for that fund, showing the starting balance of the fund for the entire period, the net income for the period, total transfers into or out of the fund for the period, and the ending balance for the fund. This report may be printed in either portrait or landscape mode, depending on how many quarters are included. It also prompts for an "Include" setting to determine the levels of accounts and sub-accounts to be included in the report.


Income Statement

  Yr/Yr ComparisonLists your income and expenses, split out by fund, for a selected range of dates in one year, the same dates in the previous year, and the difference between them. It also prompts for an "Include" setting to determine the levels of accounts and sub-accounts to be included in the report. You can drill-down on total fields for accounts that don't have sub-accounts to see a detail report of the transactions that make up that total.
This report puts the current year in the first column, and the previous year in the 2nd column. If you want it the other way around, you can do that with the Income Statement General Comparison report.
The Difference column shows how much "better" the later year is than the earlier year. So for Income accounts a Difference amount is "better", and so positive, if the later year's amount is more than the earlier year's amount. For Expense accounts it is positive if the later year's amount is less than the earlier year's amount.


Income Statement

 General ComparisonLists your income and expenses, split out by fund, for one specified range of dates, and a second specified range of dates, and the difference between them (later amounts minus earlier amounts). It also prompts for an "Include" setting to determine the levels of accounts and sub-accounts to be included in the report. You can drill-down on total fields for accounts that don't have sub-accounts to see a detail report of the transactions that make up that total.
The Difference column shows how much "better" the later date's amount is than the earlier date's amount. So for Income accounts a Difference amount is "better", and so positive, if the later date's amount is more than the earlier date's amount. For Expense accounts it is positive if the later date's amount is less than the earlier date's amount.


SummariesIncludes just a section for each fund showing the starting balance of the fund for the period, the net income for the period, total transfers into or out of the fund for the period, and the ending balance for the fund. (This is identical to the section at the bottom of the Fund Income Statement report.) A range of dates is specified, to determine the reporting period.


Budget ComparisonLists your income and expenses, along with the budget for the same period, and the difference between the actuals and the budget, with one report per fund. This report prompts for a range of dates for the report, within one budget year. It also prompts for an "Include" setting to determine the levels of accounts and sub-accounts to be included in the report. You can drill-down on total fields for accounts that don't have sub-accounts to see a detail report of the transactions that make up that total.
The Difference column shows how much "better" the actuals are than the budget. So for Income accounts, a Difference amount is positive (better) if the actual amount is more than the budget amount. For Expense accounts it is positive if the actual is less than the budget.
The report includes all accounts with a budget (even if that is $0) plus any other accounts with transactions within the selected range of dates.


Percentage of

  Annual BudgetLists your income and expenses for a selected period, along with the budget for the entire year, the difference between the actuals for the period and the annual budget, and the percentage that the actuals are of the annual budget, with one report per fund. This report prompts for a range of dates for the actuals, within one budget year. It also prompts for an "Include" setting to determine the levels of accounts and sub-accounts to be included in the report.
You can drill-down on total fields for accounts that don't have sub-accounts to see a detail report of the transactions that make up that total.
The Difference column shows how much "better" the actuals are than the budget. So for Income accounts, a Difference amount is positive (better) if the actual amount is more than the budget amount. For Expense accounts it is positive if the actual is less than the budget.
Percentages are omitted when the budget is 0, because they would not make sense.


One Fund Details

  and BalancesShows all of the transaction details in all accounts affecting one selected fund balance over a specified date range, plus the starting and ending implicit balances in that fund.


Note: The name of the Income Statement report can be changed via the Maintenance ⇒ Entity and Report Names menu option, and will change on this sub-menu accordingly.


This topic was last edited on Jun 1, 2023