The Database Menu

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The Database Menu

This menu starts with an Import sub-menu, then continues with a number of additional options.


Import ⇒ DonorsImport just Donors from an Excel, text or CSV file. This is a quite easy and flexible option for importing donors from another donor-management program, or just from a spreadsheet program.


Import ⇒ DonationsImport just Donations from an Excel, text or CSV file, for instance to import recurring monthly donations, or donations exported from another program.


Import ⇒ Donors and

 Donations        Imports both donors and donations from an Excel, text or CSV file containing both types of information on each line of the file.


Import ⇒ PAR DonationsImport only donations from a text import file provided by the United Church of Canada's PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) service.


Import ⇒ All DataImport data exported from other programs. (This is a rather complex option to import the Donors, Donations, Receipts, Organization Info, and Categories.)


Import ⇒ Abundant DonationsDownloads and imports batches of donations from the Abundant online donation system, which is integrated with DONATION. This menu option is only displayed if Abundant has been configured with the Maintenance ⇒ Setup Abundant Online Donations menu option.


Import  ⇒ Vanco DonationsImports donations downloaded from the Vanco online donation system.


Import ⇒ From Membership

 PlusImports data directly from the database files of the program Membership Plus.


Import ⇒ From GiftWorksImports data directly from a GiftWorks database or backup file.


Import ⇒ From PowerChurch

 PlusImports data directly from your PowerChurch plus database files.


Import ⇒ From Roll CallImports data dumped from a Roll Call database.


Import ⇒ From Church

 AssistantImports data directly from the database files of The Church Assistant program from Wincrafters, which is no longer available or supported.


Import ⇒ From Viansoft

 Church Contribution SystemImports data exported from the Church Contribution System from Viansoft, which is no longer available or supported.
Import ⇒ From GeminonImports data directly from a Geminon database file.


Migrate Data to DONATION

 OnlineMigrates from one to three of your last years of data (donors, donations, pledges, receipts, etc.) from your current DONATION database to our new web-based application, DONATION Online.


Bring Data Back from

 DONATION OnlineThis menu option is only visible if you have successfully done a migration to DONATION Online with the previous menu option. It could be used if you tried that, decided to come back to this version of DONATION, and have entered a significant amount of new data in DONATION Online that you don't want to lose. See Migrating Back from DONATION Online.


ValidateCheck that your data has not been damaged in any way, for example by suddenly turning off your computer while DONATION is working on something.


Copy Missing DonorsAllows you to copy missing donors and categories from one year to another.


Copy AddressesAllows you to copy all donor addresses and emails from one year to one or more other years, to get changes you have made in that one year's donor records into the other year's copies of those same donor records.


Reassign Envelope NumbersAllows you to reassign the envelope numbers to all or some donors, for example at the start of a new year.


Split DonorSplits a donor record into two identical ones, for example to separate a joint record for spouses into two records, one for each spouse.


Merge Duplicate DonorsAllows you to merge duplicate donors (or non-duplicates that you want to put together, like records for spouses).


Merge Duplicate Donation

 Categories        Allows you to merge one donation category into another one in the current year, changing any donations using that category to have the other category.


Change Date of DonationsAllows you to change all donations with one specified date to be on another specified date. Generally used if you realize that you accidentally entered a batch of donations with the wrong date, with the File ⇒ One Date Batch Entry menu option.


Delete Old DataDelete data from past years, that is at least 3 years old (you can choose how old it has to be, before it gets deleted).


Delete All DataDeletes all data from your database, so that you are starting over with a new completely empty database.


Delete Latest YearUsed only in very unusual circumstances, if you have changed to a new year but didn't intend to, to delete that latest year's data. Can only be used if there are no donations in that year so far!


Switch DatabasesSwitch to using a database for another organization, or create a new database.


SQL SelectCreate simply formatted ad-hoc reports and data extractions using SQL Select statements. (Most users would never use this option, instead using Reports ⇒ Custom Report for ad-hoc reports.)




This topic was last edited on Dec 4, 2024